Pothole Repair

Pothole Repair – Every 12 months to fill any cracks that have opened up and to prevent new potholes from forming.
Not all pothole repairs are created equal. There are long-term repairs as well as short-term solutions, depending on your requirements and budget. Appell provides a complete range of pothole repair services utilizing innovative and advanced technology to ensure that your parking lot is both safe and beautiful.

Saw Cut
Appell first saw-cuts around the perimeter and removes any loose asphalt debris from the pothole. Then, unlike some pavement maintenance companies, we use hot asphalt patching, not cold patch. Hot asphalt is a durable product made from rock, sand, tar and bitumen. We then use our vibratory tamper plate or asphalt rollers for proper compaction. Finally, we crack-fill the edges with hot tar to prevent water penetration and further damage.

Infrared Patching
Did you know that some asphalt is 100 percent recyclable? The infrared process is an amazing, permanent solution that utilizes advanced technology. The technique combines new asphalt with some of the existing asphalt. By using infrared heaters to recycle existing asphalt, this process is more cost-effective for our customers.

1. Cost-Effective
Choose from Appell’s multiple pavement repair options to simply ‘fill and go’ with a fast and affordable solution.
3. Keeping it Clean
Pavement repair can be a dirty job. Appell ensures your parking lot is clean and safe upon project completion.

2. Advanced Imaging
Appell provides innovative aerial images of the parking lot with designated repair sites to ensure comprehensive service.